Saturday, May 31, 2014

Game On!

Rawrness! Its game on today with a challenge of the wits PlayStation 3 vs Xbox 360. Just kidding I honestly prefer the PlayStation to Xbox because Xbox is all about the shooter games and it makes my eyes hurt. But were all geared up to have some game time. Today challenge yourself to something and then reward yourself with a trophy.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Relaxing In Style

Sometimes you just have to put your feet up and lean back and catch some z's.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Great Outdoors

I camped outside last night with my daddy and we had Smores it was so yummy. ATLT June round offers all the best stuff to go camping with. You guys should check them out its where i got some neat stuff!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Camp Out!

I love camping out, wither it is in the living room with pillow for the floor and chairs to hold up the blanket tent or its outside in a real camp ground and with all the awesome outdoor exploring. Camping is fun!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Forest Friends

In a few days not only does the All The Little Things Start but The Arcade starts to! I am excited and cant wait! So in honor of both events, here is a hint to the next round of ATLT Hope you all are excited for Summer!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Doggy Puddles

Today's Collection is PUPPIES! Who does not love looking at cute little puppy calendars? These are just as cute!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Arcade is coming and we all know what that means. It means Toys and Stuff to fill our obsession with cute stuff. So in honor of the amazing Gotcha that we have all become so addicted to I am gonna blog about my favorite collections I have collected over the years of Gotchas leading up to ARCADE!
I am not very fond of circus's mostly because of the clowns, but i found this collection to be to cute to pass up. I hope you all enjoy my version of going to the circus!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Cute or Not?

I have no clue about fashion, I look to see if its something I know I would want to wear vs what looks just so wrong on someone of my age. But I got to trying to think outside the box a bit more. Stripes! No I am not talking zebra stripes. I am talking like candy stripes. Today is a 'think outside the box' type of day. What is one idea you would not think of? Well today think it and roll with it!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Candy Love

When you find someone who loves the things you love, you cant help but to be smitten with them. Give someone you love something special today and put a smile on their face.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Have you ever checked out the hunts that are available to the children of SL? For the last two years i have been participating in the hunts as well as putting on my own hunts for kids. This is an outfit I received in a hunt a while back and its from geek. I have found a lot of amazing prizes in the Hunts. So Today I want to give back to all of you and help you and let you know what hunts to expect this up coming month!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Some of the best candy is well worth being fought for. fought for to get when your parents say no. or fight for your Halloween candy when your siblings decide to steal their favorite parts. Try to fight for something your passionate about today.

Monday, May 19, 2014


You know those days when it gets really hot and you just wanna go swimming? Well our pool is not big enough for everyone so well take turns swimming. Today share something with someone, cause being generous always shows people how good of a friend you are.

Sharing is Caring!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Candy! Mm yummy! That puts a smile on my face. Hope you all are enjoying May and today try to smile. Make someone laugh, or better yet make someones day!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


We caught Daddy Eating all the candy!Someone is so in trouble! Can I ground him?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Never Grow Up!

I have been honored lately to help out with a sim called The New Neverland. This sim is amazing, it is themed as Neverland! There is peter pan and Wendy and even captain hook and Smee! You all should check it out there is tons of stuff all around the sim!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

If I was rich!

If I was rich I would throw the money on the floor and roll in it after I bought tons of candy. Candy and money, that goes together right? Yeah! Candy is the best specially the energy it gives you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Who does not love to goof around? Kids goof around and parents goof around even teenagers goof around. Its a natural habit for all of us, that is unless your just naturally boring. In that case more power to you! Today is a day to go out and make a funny face. Run around outside and scream in laughter. Do something goofy today!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bad Boy Wizard...

I have FOUR words for you all.... ALL THE LITTLE THINGS
It is amazing designers with amazing prices. Check it out cause its got some amazing cloths and all sorts of stuff there.
Including this amazing wizarding outfit. It comes in all four houses and so many accessories for cheep prices.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day!!

I painted mommy some pictures for mothers day because i love her so much. to all of you mothers out there I hope you had an amazing mothers day!


Swinging, swinging all day I am going to swing!

Friday, May 9, 2014


So I have to tell you all about the hunt that I just encountered on SecondLife. It is called the Super Hero Hunt! There is 14 locations and each of them has amazing prizes. I love going on hunts and getting some awesome stuff. Especially if it is free. *snickers* Check it out and have super fun links are below.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nap Time

This last week I have been sick and sleeping like all of the time. So I thought it would be appropriate to make a nap time blog. I hope you all enjoy your day and rest lots if you are feeling sickie like I am.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ice Cream

Ice Cream is a delicious treat for a hot day. So many flavors to explore, some good, some bad. But my favorite would have to be this new flavor I found at a local shop that has pop rocks in the ice cream. It is amazing! Today explore a new flavor and who knows it might just turn out to be your new favorite!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chillin like a Villan?

More like relaxing like a super hero! That is right, today I thought I would support my own line in these threads that I for one am super proud of myself for. Who knows maybe you will enjoy them to. Who doesn't enjoy being a super hero for the day?

Wake up and smell the.... Flowers

It was so beautiful out this morning i just couldn't resist the urge to hop outta bed and  grab my aunty Dizzy and drag her  out to the garden to pick fresh flowers for the breakfast table.

Monday, May 5, 2014


For the longest time I have wanted to build a tree house. A really cool one with lots of fun stuff to do and today I got to build a tree house with my daddy. We got lots of tools out and got really dirty but were gonna build the best tree house ever!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


So I finally caught up on Game of Thrones and just, WOW! I am addicted so today I feel like running around and playing Rob Stark, OR better yet I wanna be Brandon Stark! that way I can do awesome things and be the hero! Have a good day and use your imagination!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Here Fishy Fishy

Fishing is one of my most favoritest pass times. it can be so relaxing  for someone like me that has soo much crazy going on in my head.  i sit back wiggle my toes in the sand  and wait for a lil nibble to happen. 

Follow the Minions

Today I feel like being silly and dorking up my way to the top of the minion world.

Friday, May 2, 2014


When told to go clean up my sister did the good thing and went took a bath but she left the water running causing it to run all over the place and i decided to get creative while brushing my teeth Todays a day to be a trouble maker.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Surfs Up!

Today was a hot day and I decided to go play in the water. I found a surf board and I actually stood up on it for a few second before falling in. It was fun and refreshing. Today is a day for learning something new!